So it's just 3 days until my 35th birthday...35!!!! god where did the time go!?!? This momentous occasion is one (I'll get to the other in a bit) of the reasons I decided to start something own blog. My own little space to publicly declare if my day was worth getting up for in the morning or if I should have just pulled the covers up over my head and pretended I had gone deaf overnight.
Everyday is worth getting up for when you have the best 3 kids in the world! A little backgroundmight be helpful here. 1 is human, a boy, Jake, whose 7 and the other 2 are from the furry species-1 labrador, Maggie, who produces more fur on a daily basis than should ever be possible and 1 orange tabby, Kitman, the dirty, flea infested baseball sized kitten we found in the posh bushes of Barnes & Noble one Sunday morning. Definitely a lot to blog about daily among these 3.
So now on to my second reason for starting this blog. I came across a post on a message board (for scrapbookers...pretty wild, huh?) with a link to an Ebay auction from a couple of months ago. It was titled "Lot of Pokemon Cars My Kids Tried To Sneak By Me".
The description written for this auction itemwas the funniest thing I have ever read. I sat in front of my computer laughing so loud I'm sure neighbors heard me, with tears rolling down my face. The seller is a mom to 6 kids...that might make you laugh in itself, but you have to keep reading the description. I only have one child, but everything she described I have either gone thru in some capacity or watched happen to other moms. She received so many comments she went on to post her blog address and also appeared on ABC World News!
So here I am. I'm definitely not as funny as she is, but I figured maybe I'd give it a try. I also wanted to challenge myself to commit to a daily task. I know, I have a kid to get to school and pick up everyday, a dog & cat to feed, a husband to cook for, a job to go to (only 4 days a week, but at least I make my own money!) so I have many things I have to do daily, but this is different. This is something for me and about me. ME isn't something I always give enough time to.
Now I just need to find some readers other than me! :-)
1 year ago
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